We embrace the idea that the giving of a gift can create a ripple of love, kindness and generosity. The Ripple Effect is important to us not only with the giving of gifts, but also with the initial sourcing of our products.

We purchase our raffia bags from Sissy Bags, an Australian company which imports handmade raffia bags from Madagascar. The bags are ethically sourced, and with the purchase of each bag, this supports organisations to assist families in Madagascar to improve the life chances of themselves and their children. Organisations such as ENFANTS DE LA BROUSSE DE MADAGASCAR – infants of the bush in Madagascar

The bags are made from the leaves of the Raffia Palm tree using traditional methods. Each time we get an order for one of our raffia bag hampers it makes us smile thinking of what it will mean for the families in Madagascar. For the women and children who washed the raffia leaves in the stream. And then hand weaved the tinted raffia into sheets.

We often wonder what conversations take place as the women sit together sewing the sheets into the beautiful bags that we showcase on our website.

Perhaps they discuss the excitement they feel when their children are supported in attending school or the improved health care their families are receiving. Or maybe they wonder about the conversations that those who support them in far off countries are having?!

Whatever their conversations may be, we know that the organisations which support these families can explain in heartwarming detail what the custom of Ripple Effect Gifts and Sissy Bags means to them:


They live far away from the School – their father could not support them going to school anymore and was looking for work for them. They now are boarding with a teacher and their father visits them each month.


Aintsoa lives with her mother. She cannot afford to send Aintsoa to school. She is now attending school and is very clever.


A “crying” Boy. He has a skin condition. It is now under control and he is loving Kindergarten.


Todisoa is very clever. Her mother did not have money to send her to school.

We have bought new shoes, clothes and school equipment for her.

She would like to be a teacher.



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