Peanut butter as a toothpaste. Really?

In the late 19th century, peanut butter was used by doctors and dentists as a medicinal paste for patients with bad teeth. It was also prescribed for patients who had no teeth and could therefore not chew. Considering there were no restrictions on the amount of sugar used in the production of peanut butter, it is possible that patients moved from the bad teeth category to the no teeth category fairly rapidly.

In the early 20th century, peanut butter used to be so expensive that only the wealthiest of consumers could afford such a delicacy. As the cost reduced with mass production, it became a firm favourite with younger consumers. And then, in the 1920’s an invention was patented that changed the whole face (or mouth) of the peanut butter industry.

Sliced bread

In large families, sliced bread became a firm favourite as it significantly reduced the time required to prepare food. It also allowed children to make their own sandwiches without fear of cutting themselves with sharp knives. These two factors alone caused a huge increase in sales. No one is really sure when jelly started being added. But when American soldiers returned home after WWII, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich was part of their staple diet.

Elvis and his 8000 calorie sandwich

Most people spread the peanut butter on their bread and then add the jelly (jam) on top of that. A delicious and luxurious snack or lunch. But Elvis took things to another level. In 1976, whilst reminiscing about a particular PB & J sandwich, he decided that was exactly what he needed. At that moment. He and his entourage fly by private jet to Denver airport from Graceland and phoned their order ahead! On arrival the sandwiches were waiting for them.

Elvis’ special sandwich contained a whole jar of peanut butter, another whole jar of jam and 500g of bacon in a hollowed out loaf of bread. A hefty 8000 calories and at a cost of $350 if purchased today. They spent 3 hours in an aircraft hanger washing down the immense sandwiches with several bottles of sparkling wine, before returning to Graceland. A round trip of 3500 kms and four hours flying time.

We would not recommend you follow Elvis’ example.  Particularly with the travel time. In fact, you don’t even need to leave your home, let alone use your private jet. We will deliver to you. Free. And on the same day.

And forget $350 for a sandwich! Our peanut butter and jam combo pack is currently available at the discounted price of $16.00, that’s a 15% saving.

Sparkling wine is a great drink to have with salty and sweet foods, check out our Oneday Estate Sparkling Wine for the perfect accompaniment to your PB & J sandwich.

Our peanut butter and jam is from 100% Australian ingredients, are gluten free and contain no additives. We personally don’t choose to add bacon, but we know there are still many Elvis fans out there.

We still wouldn’t recommend you brush your teeth with it though!


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